Scheduling & Exam Process
SCHEDULING PROCESS: The fee for a standard VSA examination (2 to 4 relevant questions) is $225.00 (additional questions are $25 each). To schedule, call our office at 386-310-4812. There will be a brief discussion regarding the reason for the test and to answer any questions you and the examiner may have.
Relevant questions must be formed from a physical act that did or did not occur. No questions can be formed from thoughts or potential future actions (i.e.: "do you think about...?" or "are you going to steal money?" or "Will you be faithful?"). Questions must be focused on a single issue. In other words, we would not ask questions about drug use and theft within the same test.
Voice Stress Examinations are conducted at our office. In some instances, exams can be conducted at other locations for an additional charge. We do not conduct exams in private residences. Call us to inquire.
The exam will take approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour and includes a pre-test interview, VSA data collection, and post-test chart analysis phase. Only the examiner and the person taking the test will be allowed in the examination suite during the examination.
VSA testing is confidential and results will only be shared with the examinee and the requestor.