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VIPRE Tech Certified VSA Examiner

Rick Raymond, P.I.

Certified VIPRE VSA Examiner

VIPRE VSA Examiner Rick Raymond

Rick Raymond, P.I. has served in Federal & Municipal Law Enforcement and Private Investigations for over thirty years. Rick has conducted complex, advanced investigations for insurance companies, corporations, attorneys, and the general public. His experience includes VSA truth verification examinations, expert surveillance, marital infidelity cases, international investigations, missing persons, homicide investigations, child custody investigations, international shipping theft, civil & criminal investigations, executive VIP bodyguard protection, background check investigations and a host of other complex investigative matters. Rick has been a licensed private investigator since 1998 and was previously the Chief Intelligence Officer & Director of Security for a large nationwide medical services company. He is a Court Approved Expert Witness in the area of Locate Investigations & Missing Persons. During his career, he has conducted over 1,000 missing person investigations and is routinely called as an expert witness in locate investigation methodology, missing persons and parental kidnapping locates.


Rick has previously provided dignitary protection for several high ranking U.S. Government officials while serving as a Federal Law Enforcement Officer. His private client list also includes numerous celebrities, high-profile corporate executives and the Grammy Music Awards. He is a Florida licensed Private Investigator and a former certified Florida Law Enforcement Instructor through the FDLE CJSTC. Rick has been featured in Bloomberg BusinessWeek magazine, National Public Radio (NPR), the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and interviewed on MSNBC television news regarding his investigations. 


Call today to schedule a Confidential VSA Examination


© 2021-2025 by ​RICK RAYMOND INVESTIGATIONS - DaytonaLieDetector - The VIPRE VSA can be used to investigate Employee Theft cases which could include cash, checks, or company property. It can also be used to seek out the truth in accusations of Sexual Harassment, False Injuries and or Workers’ Compensation, Disability cases. If your company has a situation you feel might require a lie detector test please contact us for an evaluation to determine if one can be administered.  All  EPPA Rules Apply. Florida Lie Detector exams.  Criminal/Civil Litigation Cases – The VIPRE VSA can be used to verify the facts to support or refute criminal and civil cases. Law enforcement relies heavily on Voice Stress Analysis based systems to clear suspects and identify the guilty in a wide range of crimes from murder, rape, grand theft, robbery, sex offenses. VIPRE VSA Systems are easier to conduct and exams can be conducted in just about any location. Immigration, Marriage Scams, & Human Trafficking – Daytona Lie Detector truth verification polygraph tests can help verify and document immigration claims in the absence of actual documents and other situations. It can assist in seeking out the truth in asylum, residency, and other issues. It can be used to validate legal marriages and or expose marriage scams. It is also helpful in learning the truth from victims of human trafficking cases and violence against women and or children while residing in Florida. Polygraph Exams – If you have failed a polygraph exam we can retest using the VIPRE VSA System.  We can utilize the same questions as the polygraph, or refine or expand them according to your needs. Many people have failed polygraph exams for various reasons and may be seeking a polygraph alternative. The  VIPRE VSA is the polygraph alternative and does not have the INCONCLUSIVE SCORE used by polygraph.  Daytona Beach and Volusia County lie detector exams and voice stress analysis testing.  A properly structured VSA exam configured with the right questions can provide your company or profession the answers you need. Keep in mind that the results of any lie detection-truth verification exam should be ONLY one factor in your total decision making process. VIPRE VSA is just one of the credibility assessment tools used for lie detection - truth verification exams. Cheating spouse lie detector tests. Infidelity lie detector, employee theft polygraph.  Voice Stress Analyzers, Polygraph testing, Lie Detector, Truth Verification in Florida, Volusia County, Brevard County, Daytona Beach, Flagler County, Palm Coast, Cocoa Beach, Ormond Beach, Holly Hill, Ponce Inlet, Port Orange, CVSA.

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